Teresa Chung: “Today is the highlight of our lives.”

Literally everything you do can be transformed into a ritual of mindfulness, whether it’s an opportunity to have a cup of coffee or listen to another person. Most importantly, give it your full attention. Awareness is the ability to focus entirely on what you are doing without the distraction of extraneous details.”

Today is not a preparation for what will be tomorrow, and it should not be spent regretting the past. Today is all we have. It is the main event of our life.”

“Successful people learned a long time ago that you can’t get far without taking care of yourself.”

Once you begin to truly love yourself, the whole world will begin to reciprocate. The change will be so obvious that you will believe in magic.”

“Even funny rituals, like coming to an exam wearing lucky socks, can make a big difference. It doesn’t matter what the ritual itself is. What matters is the feeling it awakens in you.”

“Most people don’t even realize that it’s what we do in everyday life that determines our experience.”

“If you leave nothing personal to yourself, there is a danger of dissolving into those around you.”

“You can get off the ground and go to a place where dreams become reality, or you can keep bemoaning a fate that does not bode well for you.”

Each of us can become irresistible, but not everyone is ready to believe it.

“When you change your life for the better, you open others’ eyes to your own potential. Your example encourages them to become a better version of themselves. This chain of positive change can begin with you, if you can stop just thinking and dreaming and begin taking concrete action to transform your life.

“If you cannot believe in the possibility of an event, it will never manifest in your life.”

“Even the most imperfect today is better than tomorrow, which does not yet exist.”

“Become someone who does the best he can.”